The Health Collective

Everything You Need to Know about LGBTQIA+ Programs and Health Services

A group of doctors are looking at a large screen.

Comprehensive STI Testing and Treatment Services

At The Health Collective in Hartford, CT, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate medical services tailored to the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond. Our focus on sexual health and wellness extends to a range of essential services aimed at promoting overall well-being. Call us at 860-278-4163 to learn more of our medical services.

Comprehensive STI Testing and Treatment

We offer testing and treatment for a variety of common STIs, including gonorrhea and chlamydia, which can be detected in oral and rectal areas, in addition to urine tests. Our services ensure thorough screening and prompt treatment options tailored to your needs.

Sexual Wellness Visits

In addition to STI/HIV testing, our sexual wellness visits include Pap tests, breast exams, and comprehensive sexual health education. We prioritize your comfort and confidentiality during these crucial health assessments.

Range of Medical Services Offered

Our medical services include:

Chlamydia (3-site testing: Oral, Urine, and Rectal)

Gonorrhea (3-site testing: Oral, Urine, and Rectal)

Hepatitis B immunity (Antibody)

Hepatitis B Infection (Antigen)

Hepatitis C

HIV (Lab-Based 4th Generation: Antibody and P24 Antigen)

HIV (Rapid)

Syphilis (VDRL and RPR by Lab Test)

If Symptoms or Otherwise Indicated

Active Herpes 1 and 2 infection/outbreaks (swab)

Bacterial Vaginosis

Cervical Pap and HPV Testing

Enhanced male and female urethritis panels

Genital warts

Herpes 1 and 2 antibody testing (latent infection)

HIV confirmatory testing (viral load, CD4 / CD8) – only offered to newly infected patients

Mycoplasma genitalium (Mgen)

Oral HPV

Pre-PrEP screening testing, including CBC, metabolic panels, creatinine clearance

Rectal Pap and HPV Testing

Syphilis (Rapid Antibody Test)

Trichomonas (T. vaginalis)

Urine culture

Urine Testing (Urinalysis)

Yeast infection

Affordable Care

We operate on a recommended donation basis for clinic services, with standard STD visits starting at $50. While we do not currently accept health insurance, some lab fees may be covered, and we strive to make our services accessible through prepayment options and financial assistance where needed.

Standard STD Visit: $50 + Recommended Donation of $50

Vaccine Administration: $15

MPOX vaccine (Jynneos): $25

STD Treatment / Medication: $50


During especially busy times of year we may require all patients prepay. If you are unable to afford the fee, please let us know as we will work with you to ensure you are able to get the treatment or testing you need.

Cancellation Fee and Prepayment

If you miss an appointment, you will be required to prepay for all future visits, as well as the cost of your missed appointment, at our discretion.

Please make sure to cancel or change your appointment at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment time unless you are sick and advised by an HGLHC clinic staff member to cancel (in which case there will be no cancellation/change fee).

Positive Test Support

If you test positive for HIV or an STI, our compassionate staff will provide immediate support, treatment information, and referrals to ensure you receive the care you deserve. Partner notification assistance is also available to help protect others in the community. Learn more about partner notification in Connecticut with this video:

Remember: if you miss an appointment, you are taking away an appointment slot from someone else who may desperately need it. Help others and help our community – do not miss appointments without canceling in advance!

Get PrEP

We offer support for PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) to prevent HIV transmission. Whether you have insurance or not, our team can assist in accessing and maintaining PrEP medications, ensuring you stay protected.

There are currently three medications that have been approved in the US for PrEP: Truvada, Descovy, and Apretude.

If you have had a very recent exposure to HIV (< 72 hours), you should call your primary care doctor or go to the Emergency Department or Urgent Care for PEP (also called nPEP) – medication that will prevent you from becoming infected. Time is of the essence in these situations.

Get PrEP

Safer Sex Supplies

PrEP and U=U (undetectable = untransmittable) reduce the risk of contracting HIV from unprotected sex, but STDs keep hitting record levels year after year.

Free condoms and safer sex supplies are available to promote safe sexual practices. We emphasize the importance of protection against STDs, including emerging concerns like Mycoplasma genitalium, alongside HIV prevention strategies.

Condoms help protect against most STDs and HIV.

We also strongly recommend getting the Gardasil vaccine to prevent throat, penis, anus and cervical cancer.

How to Use Condoms


Are you looking for an LGBT-friendly doctor or other professional?

We maintain an extensive database of providers in the greater Hartford area.

Get a Referral
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